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Since the first introduction of our POS monitor to the worldwide monitor market in 1993, we Acula have committed ourselves to be a leading world-class VIDEO SOLUTION provider in the Video Product market. Now, besides POS monitors series, we have successfully developed a wide variety of video product series for different applications such as Industrial application, Security application and...etc. For POS and Industrial CRT product series, we now have 15 models available. These products are mainly used in POS, ATM, CNC machining, and Video Gaming areas. Talking about LCD product series, we have a whole range starting from 10.4 up to 19 models. As a matter of fact, we can provide Metal Frame types, and Plastic Casing types. They are mainly for POS, Industrial applications and...etc. Deserving of naming, no matter CRT or LCD monitor series, both they can become TOUCH MONITORS after the integration with touch panels. Thanks to the continuous supporting from our customers, Acula has win recognition as a world-class supplier of Video Solution Products. To sum up, with the strong RD team, we Acula can design any special Video products to meet any unique requirements. If you want any kind of Video products, please contact us; we always offer the products at high quality, reasonable price and prompt delivery.
Aerotech is a manufacturer meanwhile also a trading company dealing with exporting and importing business , also act as taiwan local agent for some world famous brands . Aerotech already got 20 more years history, aiming on the products like - pneumatic lines : solenoid valves / FRL set /air cylinder / quick fitting , couplers / tubing / pneumatic accessories / pressure gauges / pressure switch / flow switch /industrial used valves / air operated actuator... Aerotech also help customers to design the products in order to meet the market requirement. no matter OEM or ODM we all working very seriouly, wishing to offer the market better goods ,better quality,better price. Need more information please contact us , we will reply you asap at our best. 公司簡介可點入公司架設的網址http://www.aero-ncd.com/motion.asp?siteid=1002274
本院至今已走過百年歷史,在我國醫學教育上扮演了重要角色。醫學教育為百年大計,時值醫學知識之急速爆漲與累積,本院師生除傳承優良傳統外,更以「人文關懷為基礎」、「病患為中心」進行疾病的診療,養成團隊合作習慣、具備研究創新能力,以符合新世紀與新環境的需求。 未來本院將續推動全人教育,提振醫學人文精神,期醫者在醫學教育革新與人文精神推展下一代比一代優秀。 ------ The mission of the Metabolomics Core Laboratory at NTU research center for Medical Excellence is to provide a world-class metabolomics knowledge infrastructure to improve translational research and human health. Operating as a multidisciplinary service core, the MetaCore will serve as a bridge for basic research and clinics concerning the potential and benefits of metabolomics impacting the personalized medicine.
★經營理念: 面臨「知識經濟」時代的全球化競爭,企業的競爭優勢在追求更快速的產品/服務上市時間(Time to Market),以回應瞬息萬變的市場(客戶)需求。為了要達成「速度」的要求,最佳方案莫過於將「專案管理」的理念與技術應用到整個企業的營運活動,站在企業整體的立場,以工作團隊(專案)為基礎,靈活調配資源,「彈性因應」瞬息萬變的企業經營環境。 孟華科技的成立宗旨,即在協助全球客戶實現企業願景。成立於2002年,孟華致力於提供協同商務(Collaborative e-business)、協同專案管理解決方案的技術研發與顧問服務。集結美國AT T 和 Lucent貝爾實驗室的資深研發團隊,與軟體暨產業顧問專家,協助企業運用開放式架構(Open Architecture)與最新的協同技術強化企業價值鏈運作(Value Chain Operation)與營運流程服務(Business Process Services)效率,提昇企業營運績效與速度,並建置有效的控管機制,以充份掌握企業核心價值與創新能力,邁向成功藍海! ★榮耀事蹟: 2009年獲得高雄市勞工局響應政府「立即上工計畫」--優良雇主讚揚. 3月榮獲PMI國際專案管理學會- 臺灣分會授旗為高雄支會. ★未來願景: 在未來協同作業管理及創新研發技術部份,除運用公司內部已累積之產品技術能量持續進行產品研發升級外,更將積極與相關領域之領導廠商拓展策略合作夥伴關係,建立經營管理、專案執行、與技術研發等全方位的堅強團隊與實力,以提升產品服務在相關領域之創新研發與加值服務,期許帶動軟體產業價值鏈的創新應用,提升相關產業之整體產值,以「立足台灣、放眼世界」的宗旨,建構一個世界級協同商務解決方案領導廠商(a World-Class Collaborative e-Business Enabler) ★企業文化: 以優良企業公民為自居,支持愛心企業宣言約定,積極落實公益志工活動。 得獎紀錄: 2007年榮獲經濟部工業局「Linux黃金企鵝獎資訊應用類-產品應用獎」. 2008年度獲頒中華民國資訊經理人協會(IMA)之「傑出資訊經理人獎」 2009年度陳總經理當選為第3屆PMI國際專案管理學會台灣分會--理事.
We Have An Advanced Factory In She-Tou, Chang-Hua , Taiwan. Fully Equipped With World Famous Knitting Machines From Italy. We Possess Professional Engineers And Operators To Develop And Produce High Quality Products, In Accordance With Ergonomics Principles. Our Body- Shaping Products, Which Owns Health Effects, Are Very Sellable Both Domestic And Abroad. We Won “Excellent Business” Award Due To High Export Record. With Almost 25 Years Of Experience, We Shall Continously Stick At Research And Development Of Knitting Industry To Supply Health Care Products To Our Customers. (100% Made In Taiwan, Guarantee Good Quality )
Omega Music was founded in 1999, established by experienced staffs and technicians who had passion and dedication to produce and provide top quality musical products for the world, and today we are now a professional guitar manufacturer with Technical Managers with 15 years of guitar-making understandings and Sales Managers with 20 years of market experiences in the musical industry. Our complete knowledge of how to make an excellent guitar and full understanding of what the customers want are the keys to our success, and specially distinguish us from other manufacturers. Starting from only manufacture acoustic guitars, we have now developed into a 16,000 square meters in our factory size and invested into professional equipments to produce both acoustic and electric guitars expertly. In late 2006, we began our wooden case manufacturing, in which provided our customers with more options to upgrade their guitars, and increased the value of the guitars greatly. Currently, we manufacture all range of guitars starting from acoustic, classical guitars to electric guitar and bass to banjo, mandolin, ukulele, jazz, gypsy, resonator, round-back guitars, and all of them are available in left-handed models, and also wooden cases to support them. We are your ideal single source for all range of products and at the most competitive price on the market. Our customers are all around the world which includes some of the worlds most famous brands, and our quality and service is guaranteed by all our customers, and we also guarantee that you will be very satisfy with our trustworthy reliability, responsibility, efficient service, and excellent quality products.
Im AwayShang Yi Motor Co., Ltd. was established in 1981, producing distribution motors and winding as major products and started integrated motor products in 1983. We are engaged in the development and design to produce versatile motors in order to satisfy customers needs. With newly built plant and advanced equipment of development, our main products are appliances, air conditioners, freezers, aquarium and deep pumps, and medical instruments. We also deal with healthy instruments, small- sized machinery and small-size slow down motors. With the concept of high technology, high efficiency and high quality, all of our products meet worldwide standards and win a great reputation in the field. We market our products with the service concept of esteem for customers in Taiwan area, as well as throughout the world. The strategy of our company is to provide customers with good quality products & reliable service. The specification, size & capacity can be followed & manufactured according to customers demand in order to reduce the burden of cost and the inconvenience during the manufacturing at customers site. Our goal is to achieve the corporation at ODM and OEM basis to provide the components required for the manufacture. Meanwhile, we hope to have the authority & assistance from various overseas motor suppliers for motor manufacture.
Since the early 80’s, WE-Tech had been the premiere developer manufacturer of steel molds for many major airsoft companies for more than 20 years. With the ever growing airsoft market comes our reputation as being one of the foremost maker of steel molds, thus laying the foundation for our own excellent line of airsoft products today. In 2003, we launched our first line of gas blowback pistols and have never look back since. From being a professional steel mold manufacturer over 30 years ago to creating our own line of full-metal airsoft pistols and rifles, the journey has been tough, but satisfying. The combination of experience, skills and the relentless pursuit of excellence is what define us in the airsoft industry today Looking into the future... With the launch of our Advanced Weaponry Simulator System (A.W.S.S.) in 2008, we’ve set our sight on re-defining the use of realistic, gas blowbackplatforms as a viable training options for the professionals, namely the military and law enforcement personnels. Our worldwide-patented AWSS platform has been tested evaluated by many of the world’s military law enforcement units. Input by these professional units has seen the AWSS being further developed into a consistent, reliable, yet ’powerfully’ realistic airsoft rifle system for the pros or the casual weekend airsofters alike. Our continue commitment to stay at the forefront of technology, our dedication to provide the BEST cost/performance ratio products, as well as our industry-defining customer service/interaction policy will ensure our success in the future
In the woodworking industry, HOMAG is one of the most respected and familiar names in the world. Established in 1982, HOMAG Asia Pte Ltd Taiwan Branch is a member of the HOMAG Group, a global leader in the manufacture of industrial machines for the woodworking and furniture industry. the headquarter is situated in the central location of Singapore, HOMAG Asia’s operations stretch across the entire region of South East Asia. With branch offices in Malaysia, Taiwan, and Thailand, and a number of representatives in Indonesia, Philippines, and Vietnam, assistance and servicing are always conveniently at an arm’s reach.
景明化工股份有限公司自成立以來一直以成為專業的化學藥品供應商為最大的目標。 近二十年來共代理經營了三十多個世界各國的廠牌。著名的試藥廠如 TCI , Fisher , Lancaster , Acros , Strem , Showa , MP 、高純度溶劑廠Tedia , Fisher、也有專業特化用的 Syntec ,Synthon, Chriskev , Purac 等,更有其他專業特別的試藥廠。 在通路上我們則是在台灣的七大都市 ( 台北、中壢、新竹、台中、嘉義、台南、高雄 ) 都有連絡處,為您處理訂單及出貨配送,以期能在最短的時間內把產品送到您手上。 如果您希望能進一步了解我們公司,請與總公司連絡-- Tel: +886-37-629988 Fax: +886-37-621090 http://www.echochemical.com Since the establishment of the Echo Chemcial Co. Ltd. it is always our aim to be a professional supplier of chemicals . For past 20years , we are the distributor of famous brands from all over the world . Like chemical regents from TCI, Fisher, Lancaster, Acros,MP, and high puritly solvents from Tedia,Fisher.We also sell special fine chemicals from Syntec, Synthon,Chriskev , Purac and many others fine chemicals , waiting to serve you. We have seven branches all over Taiwan : Taipei, Chungli , Hsin-Chu , Taichung, Jia-yi, Tainan, Kaoshiung , all ready to handle your orders and to deliver you goods within the shortest time. If you wish to have a better understanding of Echo Chemical Co., Ltd. , please kindly call us at : Tel:+886-37-621088 Fax:+886-37-621090
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